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Digital Marketing

      Digital marketing is the practice of promoting products and services using database-driven online distribution channels to reach consumers in a timely, relevant personal and cost effective manner.

Digital marketing is a term which is used around in these days but it has not been given a proper definition, It is usually defined as things like display advertisement ,seo, ppc. Yet it doesn’t cover a broader definition.It also includes email marketing, blogs,video stream,podcast,RSS feeds.
   To give a clear picture of what is digital marketing: To say what digital marketing is not it does not include traditional forms like tv,radio,prints because they do not offer instant feedback and reports.
   However digital marketing revolves around the internet space.

There are two different forms of Digital marketing

Push Digital marketing : Push digital marketing technology involves both the marketer and the customer. The marketer has to push or send the information to the customer and the customer has to make the effort of receiving it. This technology creates brand recognition. SMS, MMS, emails, RSS podcasting are examples of push digital marketing. Since the content is sent to individuals, it can be personalized according to the intended recipient.It is easy to track the customer.There are certain criteria to be followed when sending push messages.If  not followed,the number would be blocked and they wont be able to send any messages at all. Messages sent to the RSS feeders require a mechanism with an application to reach, when sent by an email marketing system.  

Pull Digital Marketing: Pulldigital marketing requires the user to pull or extract the content directly. The customer has to approach the promotional matter and see the matter for himself. Examples are websites, forums and web logs. All these require clicking on a URL in order to view the content. Here there are no critera to be followed.Effort is required only to display the content on the website or forum.There is no additional cost of sending the information to the customer, but the customer has to make the extra effort of reaching to the content. The customer doesnt have to opt-in for such kind of promotion and one message is being viewed by all and it cannot be personalized. The customers who see the content cannot be traced, although the click through rate can be considered which give details about the number of clicks the message received. This is be done by enabling the click though tracking during the campaign, which records the information.


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